The Adult Sunday School ministry at Park Place consists of missional groups who share life together on a weekly basis for the purpose of being transformed increasingly into the image of Christ.
Stop by the Welcome Center or contact Daniel Bray if you are interested in learning more about which classes might be best for you and your family.
For more information about upcoming events, contact Daniel Bray via email.
Adult Bible Study in Sunday School
When: Every Sunday at 7:45am, 9:00am, 10:30am
Description: Adults ages 18+ study scripture and meet in varying class styles with Singles, Married, Men only, Ladies only, COED, etc. in order to have a variety of classes where everyone can find just the right class.
Sunday School Class Activities
When: Varying Dates
Description: Sunday School classes have many different types of activities and outreach projects throughout the year. There are class parties, projects, community outreaches, special giving emphasis, prayer emphasis and others. Check with your Sunday School Leader for upcoming events.